Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 May 16


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 229.

Saturday, the 16th of May.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting the Colony:
Mr. I. Hunt & Mr. R. I. Reed, in 14 days, from April 27.
Mr. Mathew Hay, with the first fleet.
Mr. John Smith, in 14 days, from April 30.
Miss Elizabeth Bridgewater, in ditto, from ditto.
Joseph Beete, junior, Esq. Mrs. Reese, and Miss Ferrier, with the first Convoy.
Mr. J. Schneido, with ditto.
and the free Mulatto, Alexander Cassie, with ditto.
Mrs. Beaujon, Mrs. Paardevoort, Miss M. C. van Oolen. Messrs. D. Telford, Joseph Bowman, Andrew M'Clelland, van Ysendoorn, Francis Yates, Hugh Davidson, Henrick Werninck, John Richardson, and J. L. Morson, within 14 days, or with the first Convoy.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

[Note: the following announcement changes in the weeks leading up to a meeting in June]
Wordt mits deezen bekend gemaakt, dat ter Eerst komende Commissariaale Vergaadering Maand Juny aanstaande.
Door A. H. Walstab q.q de Boedel Mulder, zal [illegible] getransporteerd de Plantagien de Eendragt en Uit-[illegible] , en thans genaamd SARA geleegen in 't Canaal [illegible] , aan Mr. F. P. van Berckel welke laast gemelde te [illegible] zal passerren Hypotheecq op vormelde Plantagien [illegible] van A. H. Walstab prive en q.q. de Erven Mulder.
Voorts door James Rutherford. Hypotheecq op desselfs Plantagie Plantershall [sic], geleegen in kleyn Couranten ten [illegible] van Charles en James Bowen.
Door I. Van Essenburg Transport van een halve Concessie [illegible] onder No. 158, geleegen op Cumingsburg, aan I. De [illegible].
Door I. L. Looff, Transport van de van ouds genaamde [illegible]lling, thans de Steenbakkery geleegen aan de westwal [illegible] rivier aan de Executeuren ten Boedel wylen D. War[illegible] zo vervolgens aan de teegenswoordige eigenaar.
Door de Gemagtigde van de erven van wylen Alexander Hall Transport van de plantagie Fellowship, geleegen in de creecq Mahaica aan J. Waldron, q.q.
Door James Ogle & Co. q.q Charles Hamilton een Hypotheecq op Plantage Noot en Zuyl faveur G. Inglis q.q de Herren Ruckers, London.
Door Henry Farley een Hypotheeq op Plantage Good Intent in Mahayca Crecq, faveure John Douglas q.q. David en George Hall.
Door Tully Higgins q.q. H. M. Calmans & Co. Transpoort van 2 loten Lands en Gebouwen, thans bewoond door Telford, Naghten, & Co. aan en Thomas Naghten [in text as Waghten] en Thomas Fitzgerald
En laastelyk door Mr. M. Lamaison, transport van de Plantagie Bel Air, geleegen aan de Oost Zee Kust deezer Colonie, an I. Staunton zoo voor zich zelve alse voor Rodie & Shands, Liverpool. welke laaste meede ter zelve dage zal passeeren Hypotheecq op gad: Plantagie ten faveur der Verkooper
Actum Secretary van Rio Demerary
[illegible] den 12de Mey 1807. P. F. Tinne, Secretaris.

Alle die geene, die iets te Pretendeeren hebben ofte verschuldigd zyn, aan wylen den Heer Charles Clifton, worden verzogt daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen aan den Heere [sic] H. I. Underwood & James Wolen, als Executeuren Testamentair hier te Lande in voormelde Boedel, binnen den tyd van Zes weeken van dato deezer, ten einde gemelde Boedel op het spoedigste ter Liquiditeite brengen
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary, den 16de May 1807.
In Kennosse [sic] van my
C. T. Tinne, Eerste Clercq.

Also de Heer William Thomas Wake, meerderjaarig jongman, te Barbados gebooren, Bruidegom ter eenre,
En Mejuffrouw Sarah Bernard Boyle, minderjaarige jonge dochter, mede gebooren te Barbados, bruid ter andere zyde, geadsisteerd met haar Oom en Voogd, John Barow,
Van voorneemens zyn met elkander een wettig Huwelyk aan te gaan, zoo als dezelve ook op den 26 deezer ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen uit den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie deezer Rivier in ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen
Zoo word zulks mits deezen aan elk en een iegelyk geadverteerd ten einde, die geenen welke vermeenen zig daar teegen te kunnen opponeeren, zulks in tyds te doen daar, waar, en zoo 't behoord.
Actum ter Secretary van Rio Demerary dezen 7de Miy [sic] 1807.
In Kennisse van my,
J. C. Stadtman, eerste Clerk.

Op verkreegene Authorisatien zal door my eerste Exploiteur deezer Colonie, na voor afgaande regts pleeging ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaris, op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, op Dingsdag den 2de Juny aanstaande, publicq worden opgeveild, en aan de meestbiedende verkogt 't volgende:
1ste. Ten behoeven van I. H. Reis contra W. B. Liot zyn Woonhuys, inlandse fraam, en Zy Gebouwen, staande op de voorgrond van de Plantage Lagrange.
2de. Ten behoeven van Orr Macrae, &c. contra S. Mackay Twee Conscessien Nos. 39 en 40, geleegen op de voorgrond van plantagie Vlissingen, met de daar opstaande Gebouwen, bestaande in een Woonhuys, lang 28 by 20 voeten 't fraam van inlands hout, met Americaansche planken omslaagen, en dito shingles gedekt; voorts een Cambuys, een Kuypers Logie, een Washuys, en een Gemakhuysje.
3de. Ten behoeven van Praesident en Le[?]den der respective Wees en onbebeerde Boedel Kamer deezer Rivier, als beheerende de Boedel wylen I. C. Holling contra James Bruce, in qualiteit als speciaale Gemagtigde van Auld te Glasgow in Schotland zynde aangeteide Sequester in de gesequestreende Boedels van Steel, Nesbet & Co. en Steel en Steelen A. Monach, Compagnons van gemelde firma, de volgende Pretentien, viz. Een Obligatie d.d. 8 Dec. 1806 van S. Van Tholl cum Interesse van 1ste Jan. 180[?] groot f 2529 6 3; een beoedigde Reekening van P. Nisbet, & c. lasten den Boedel wylen G. Brodie f 497 15. een Ackeptatie van P. Clement cum Interest van P. Clement cum Interest van 1ste January 1803 f 3313 16; een Acceptatie van James Duncan, cum Interest van 29 Oct. 1805, groot f 736 12; laastelyk nog een Obligatie van Dr. Joseph Tuite, cum Interest, van 1ste January 1803, groot per saldo f 1202 17 12.
En in cas iemand teegens deezen deeze Verkoopinge eenig recht van oppositie zal willen, sustineeren, addresseeren zig in geschriften ten Comptoir der Exploiteurs, waneer ik die als opposant, of opposanten dag van Rechten beleggen zal; en wyders, die geene welke in voors. Verkoopinge gading vinden mooge, kome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Rio Dem. den 16 Mey 1807. Mart. Smit,
eerste Exploiteur

Vermogens 't Appointement van den Edele Achtbaare Hove van Justitie deezen Revier [sic] d.d. 12th Mey j.l. verleend, op de Requeste van Mr. F. P. van Berckel Raad Fiscaal.
Word door my ondergeschreevene Exploiteut [sic] ter requisitie van Mr. F. P. van Berckel (R.O.) voor de eerste maale by Edicte GEDAGVAARD,
John J. Gilgeous.
Om te Compareeren in Persoon voor de Edele Achtbaare Hove voormeld, zittende op de Hoofdplaats Stabroek, teegens den 20de July eerstkoomende en volgende daagen.
Ten Einde te aanhooren zoodanige Eisch en Conclusie in Cas Crimineel als den Heer Eischer (R.O.) ter zaake van op den 30de Maart j.l. tusschen J. Runnels en Uw hoeftplaats [sic] gehad:) [sic] teegens Uw Gedaagde zal willen doen en neemen, en voorts te Procedeeren als naar Rechten.
Rio Demerary, den 16de May, 1807. H. C. Evertsz,

CONTRACTS. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that the undermentioned Contracts will terminate upon the days respectively set opposite them: -
English and Irish Salt Provisions for all the Colonies and island, Surinam excepted, 2d June 1807.
Rice, for all the Colonies and Island, 24th Sept.
Oats, for all the Colonies and Islands, 24th Sept.
Flour, for Trinidad and Barbados, 24th June.
Ditto, for Grenada, St. Vincent's and St. Lucia, 24th July.
Ditto, for Surinam, Berbice, Demerary, Tobago, Antigua, and St. Kitt's, 2d August.
Ditto, for Dominica, 12th August.
Sugar, for Trinidad, 1st July.
Ditto, for Barbados, 1st Feb. 1808.
Cocoa, for Trinidad, 25th June, 1807.
White Lime, for Barbados, 1st July.
Fuel Wood, Coals, and Candles, for Barbados, 24th July.
And all persons are requested to pay attention to this public Advertisement. They are likewise informed, that although some of the above Contracts are general, yet there is no reason for their continuing so, unless a Tender, purporting to be a general one, should me made upon more reasonable terms than individual ones.
Timely notice will be given when any of the said Contracts are to be renewed; and, with regard to that for Salt Provisions, Tenders will be received at this Office from this day until the 20th May, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, when they will be opened in the presence of the Commander of the Forces, and the most advantageous offer for Government accepted. Any information in the Commissary General's power will be readily given. Samuel Chollet.
Commissary General's Office, Barbados,
April 29, 1807.

Barbados, 27th April, 1807.
Wanted, for the use of His Majesty's Troops in this Island, from 15 to 18,000 lb. weight of Cocoa. Persons willing to make the supply are requested to address Tenders (sealed and marked "Tenders for Cocoa,") to the Subscriber previous to the 4th May, on which day they will be opened in the presence of the Commander of the Forces, and the most advantageous offer for Government accepted.
Samuel Chollet, Commiss. Gen.

The Undersigned respectfully informs the Publick and his Friends, that he continues to translate Pleas, Sentences, Mortgages, Transports, and all other Dutch papers whatever, with punctuality, secrecy, and despatch.
Werk & Rust, Jas. Greenwood
the House formerly occupied Sworn Translator,
by Dr. Baum.

On Saturday the 23d inst. at the store of John Madden, 40 Hogsheads of Newfoundland Cod Fish, in good order. Also, a Quantity of Sheeting, Osnaburghs, and Canvas
May 15, 1807.
On Thursday the 28th instant, at the Store of T. T. Thompson, Esq. Lamp Oil in barrels, Paint Oil in jugs, Tar, Pitch, and Rosin, Dutch and American Cheese, Butter, Candles, Soap, Brandy in demijohns, Beef in half barrels, Fig Tobacco in kegs, Salt in barrels, New Superfine Flour, Smoked Beef, Hams, Shoes and Boots, Temper Lime, Clear Stuff Boards, also Common, Fine Planks, Scantling, Spruce Spars, Fine Timber in frames or spars, R.O. Staves, a Colony Frame 46 ft. by 18 & half, 1 and half story, a stone-sawyer Negro, a wood and Grass cutter, and a House boy.
May 15, 1807.
On Friday the 29th instant, by order of the Executors of Charles Clifton, Esq. deceased, at his late Residence in Cumingsburg, Household Furniture, consisting of Sofas, Bedsteads, and Bedding, Knife Cases, &c. Old Madeira Wine, Hock, a Chaise and Horse, Fine Milch Cows, Sheep and goats. Also, three Lots of Land, No. 230, 231 and 261, with all the Buildings thereon, situated in Cumingsburg. Terms of Sale, 6, 9, and 12 months. Transport to be given upon the last payment.
May 15, 1807.
On Tuesday the 2d of June, by Order of John Runnels, Esq. at his House, Household Furniture, some Negroes, Horses, and a Chaise.
May 16, 1807.
On Wednesday the 2d of June, at the Store of Charles Treadwell, Jun. all his remaining Stock in Trade, consisting of 2 inch Plank, Scantling, Clapboards, Shingles, a quantity of Shooks for Coffee and Sugar Casks. Shooks with Heading for liquor Vats, Beef in whole and half barrels, Tongues in half barrels, Scotch Herrings, Butter, Soap, Sperm Oil, loaf Sugar, Quills, Spanish Segars, Tea, Sheetings, Diapers, Coffee Bagging, Calmancoes, Nankeen, a Punt 36 ft. by 12. &c. at Three Months' credit.
May 15, 1807.
On Friday the 5th of June, by Order of the Hon. Board of Orphan Chamber, Wearing Apparel, furniture, Negroes, Horses, &c.
May 16, 1807.
On Monday the 8th of June, at the house of I. H. Wahlstab, Esq. in Charles Town, Household Furniture, Negroes, 24 oared Tent Boat, Water Jars and Vats, and several other Articles.
May 15, 1807.
On Tuesday the 9th of June, at the Vendue Office, by Order of Colin M'Rae and Anthony Osborn, Esqrs. the unexpired Lease of Lot No. 9, in the New Town, with all the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by Thos. Hoppe, Esq. consisting of a Dwelling House and two Side Buildings; the one adapted for a Store and the other for a Kitchen and Negro House, situated between the Vendue Office and the Store of R. Younghusband, Esq. Terms of Payment will be made known at place of sale.
May 16, 1807.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the 17th and 18th June, by Order of R. S. Turton, Esq. at Mahaica, Household Furniture, consisting of Twelve elegant cane bottomed Chairs, with 2 arm do. and Sette to suit; 6 mahogany hair-bottomed chamber chairs with 2 arm ones to suit; a mahogany square table and an oval ditto; the leaves to take off occasionally, and which, when both put together, form one large oval table to dine 18 persons; a mahogany sideboard, with 5 drawers for plate, liquors, &c.; a mahogany sofa, stuffed with hair, and 3 drawers under it; card and tea tables, knife cases, spoon cases, &c. a horse and chaise, six seasoned Negroes, a variety of Dry Goods, Provisions, Ironmongery, Powder and Shot, about 300 gallons Old Rum, &c. At the same time and place will be sold two Dwelling Houses near the ferry. Terms of Payment, six months' credit for the Furniture, Negroes, &c. 6, 12, 18, and 24 months for the Houses, with Interest after 6 months (see Mr. Turton's Advert.)
May 15, 1807.
On Tuesday the 30th of June, by Order of Mr. John D. Patterson, on the Premises, the Plantation called Susanna's Rest, situated on the East Bank of the River Demerary, about one tide distant from Stabroek. The Plantation contains 1500 acres of good Land, on which there is growing (a short distance from the Water side) a quantity of Crabwood. Also a Dwelling House erected thereon, 40 feet long and 32 wide, with Side Buildings, Negro Houses, &c.
On the same day will be sold, separately, Thirty Negroes, who have for many years been accustomed to the Timber cutting business.
May 15, 1806. [sic]

Alle die geene de welke iets te pretendeeren hebben, ofte verschuldigd zyn, aan den Boedel van wylen I. Stas, werden verzogt daarvan op en aangaave te doen, aan de Ondergeteekende als by Testamentaire dispositie aangestelde Executrice in gemelde Boedel.
Mahaica, den 9 Mey 1807. Nancy Stas.

FOR SALE, [heading]
An excellent 4-oared Tent-Boat, with Mast and Sails complete, nearly new, and in high Order, well known In this River for a fast-rowing and handsome Boat. May be seen, at the end of Robb's Stelling, Bridge Town. For further particulars, apply to Robert Stephens, or to the Subscriber.
Dem. May 16, 1807. John Richards

FOR LONDON, [heading]
The Ship Orion will positively sail with the July Convoy; two thirds of her cargo already engaged. For Freight or Passage, apply to R. Younghusband, or to Capt. Ross on board.

RIO ESSEQUEBO. [heading]
Notice is hereby given from the Secretary's Office of this River, that on the next Commissary Court in June, the following Mortgages and Transports shall be passed, viz.
MORTGAGES. [heading]
N. Farrel, two Negroes by the names of William and William Thomas, to and in behalf of I. L. Smith.
Robert Burnton q.q. the Plantation Elizabeth and Success, situated on Leguan Island, to P. & W. Lenagham, O'Connor, and E. Moore.
Colonel James Nicholson his Plantation named the Maria Johanna, situated on Wacquenaam Island, in favour of P. I. Boddard & Co. a Middleburg.
T. Duim, his Plantation named Noord Star, situated on the Arabian Coast, with right of first Mortgage in favour of D. H. van Nooten q.q. Boedel Noordho[?], deceased.
I. Lowe, a piece of Land containing 100 rood facade and 300 rood depth, situated on the West Coast of the River, below the ground of A. Boter, with 25 Negroes, to I. E. Frantzen.
E. Loncke, 11 Negroes, by the name of Luben, Billy, Jan, Sophia, Susanna, Quasie, Hendrik, Maulat Jan, Quaba, Jaliba, Johannis, in favour of P. W. Prins.
TRANSPORTS. [heading]
I. E. Frantzen, the above mentioned piece of Land to J. Lowe.
Wm. King q.q. Thomas King, little Truly Island to Henery [sic] Harwood.
I. B. de Codin, a piece of Land situated in the verkeerd Canal in favour of G. I. Kolff.
I. B. Theysse q.q. the Widow Van Suyk, the Plantation Lust tot Rust, situated on Varken Island, with six Negroes, viz. Adventurer, Damon, Carle, Tham, Janswart, and Scipio, in favour of Hk. Minas.
The Executors of George Crafts, dec. one third of Plantation Evergreen, or No. 36, situated on the West Coast of this River, in favour of Robert Ridley.
And all those who have any Pretensions to oppose against the aforesaid, must take the proper measures accordingly.
May 5, 1807. I. I. L. Moliere,
first Clerk.

Word van weegens het Secretary deezer Riviere bekend gemaakt, dat in Ondertrouw zyn opgenoomen,
De Heer Frederik Van Den Hoff, meerderjaarig jongman geboortig van Amsteldam de Gereformeerde Religi toegedaan, Bruidgom ter eenre,
En Mejuffrouw Jacoba Adriana Johanna Cramer, meerderjaarige jonge dochter geboortig van Essequebo de Gereformeende Religi toegedaan Bruid ter andere zyde.
[illegible] Recht van oppositie sustineerende, addresseere zig [illegible] het behoord.
Rio Essequebo den 10 Mey 1807. I. I. L. Moliere,
eerste Clercq

H. H. Post and C. A. De Florimont hereby inform the Public, that they intend to Transport the one undivided joint part which they possess in the Plantation Wittenburg, situated on the East Sea Coast of Demerary, to and in favour of the possessors of the two remaining joint parts, C. C. De Wit and N. De Wit.
An the said C. C. De wit, for Himself and for his Brother N. De Witt, makes known, that he intend to transport a portion of Land of the said Estate to and in favour of C. A. De Florimont.
And also to bring the said Estate under Mortgage, in discharge of and for the purpose of having a former Mortgage cancelled.
Should any person have cause or reason to urge against the above mentioned intended proceedings, he is requested to address himself to H. H. Post, or to I. van der Haas, when sufficient explanation will be given. For the satisfaction of the Creditors of the said Estate, the Undersigned declares himself in his prive[accent] security for the Notes he has signed q.q. said Estate.
Demerary, May 12, 1807. I. Van der Haas.

H. H. Post en C. A. De Florimont dat voorneemens zyn hunne een 4de gedeelte yder in de Plantage Wittenburg in eigendom behoorende, te transporteeren ten behoeven van hun meede deel hebbende C. C. De Wit en N. De Wit.
C. C. De Wit zoo voor zig zelfs als zyn Broeder N. De Wit dat voorneemens een gedeelte land behoorende aan dezelve Plantage Wittenburg, te transporteeren aan en ten behoeven van C. A. De Florimont.
Vervolgens dezelve Plantage op nieuw te ver hypothecqueren ter royeering van een voorige hypothecq.
Iemand zig hier teegens vermeenende te moeten opposeeren, worden verzogt hunne reeden in te brengen aan H. H. Post ten zynen huize, of ann den Heer I. van der Haas, niet twyfelende of zal in staat zyn genoegzaamesatisfactie te kunnen geeven.
Tot gerust stelling der Crediteuren, den zelver Plantagie Stelt Zig, de Ondergeteekende als Borge in prive voor de Obligatien dewelke hy q.q. dezelve Plantagie heest afgegeeven.
Demerary, den 12de May 1807. H. H. Post.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Fresh Fish, Rice, Flour & Tobacco.
May 16, 1807. Thomas Shute & Co.

ON SALE FOR CASH, [heading]
A Few Sheets of Copper For Coffee Mills. Apply to
Cumingsburg, May 16, 1807. John Shepley.

FOR HIRE [heading]
Inquire at the Office of this Paper.
Demerary, May 16, 1807.

Cotton Pruning Knives, at f 22 per Dozen
Iron Handle Cutlasses, at f 26 do.
Dutch Hoes, at f 26 do.
Ditto Shovels, at f 36 do.
4d. 6d. 10d, and 12d. Nails, at 12 stuiv. per lb.
18d. 20d. 24d and 30d Do. at 10 stuiv. per lb.
12, 14, and 16 inch Casement Stay, with Staples at 25 stuiv per pair
Mr. Turton informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he is removing to the House lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Roach, where there are now on Sale the above Articles, at very Reduced Prices, for Cash, Cotton, or Coffee. As soon as Mr. T. can have the shop fitted up, there will be opened a variety of other Ironmongery and Dry Goods, which will be sold equally cheap as the above.
May 15, 1807.

NOTICE. [heading]
Those who have any Demands against, or are indebted to the Estate of John Huiberts, deceased, are requested to render in their Accounts or make payment to
Demerary, May 2, 1807. D. P. Simon, q.q.

Picked Up on Plantation Blygezigt a Ship's Boat. Whoever can prove it to be his property may have it restored on paying the expences, by applying on the said Plantation to
Dem. May 16, 1807. A. van der Haas.

De Predikant der Nederduitsche Gemeente, G. Ryk, maakt hiermede bekend, dat op morgen, en vervolgens alle Zondagen voor den middag om Negen Uuren in de plaats van Half Tien, de openbaare Godsdienst oeffeningen weder geregeld zullen gehouden worden.
Stabroek, den 9de Mey 1807.

Run Away form the Subscriber, some time back, a Negro Man named Providence, by trade a Carpenter. He formerly belonged to Plantation Cottage in Berbice, and was sold at Vendue for the Gaol fees the 21st June 1805, by order of the Fiscal. It is strongly suspected that he is harboured near Mahaiconi Creek by a black woman named Jeannet, who passes for a free woman. A Reward of Three Joes will be given for his apprehension.
Dem. May 16, 1807. Rob. Kingston.

NOTICE. [heading]
Whereas there remains on board the ship Harmony, Capt. W. Wilson, lately arrived from London, sundry Merchandize marked I. B. shipped by John Braithwaite, and no Consignee. The Owners of such Goods, or any other which remain on board the Harmony, are requested to apply at the Store of P. Verbeke, Esq. New Town, where the Goods are landed, as the ship is receiving on board Produce for London.
Rio Dem. May 16, 1807. W. Wilson.

A Young man, of respectable Character, wishes to engage with a Merchant, or other, to undertake the Collecting of Debts, or any Out-door Business, and the Management of a Store. Letters of recommendation, as to Capability, &c. can be produced. Please to apply at this Office.
May 16, 1807.

F. Richardet, Watchmaker, respectfully informs the Publick, that he now carries on the Watchmaking Business, in all its branches, at the house of P. Reynard, Segarmaker, opposite the Hon. the Fiscal's. F. Richardet will pay every attention to the cleaning and repairing any Clocks or Watches he may be favoured with for that purpose, on reasonable Terms. He has also some New Watches to dispose of.
Demerary, May 16, 1807.

Those Gentlemen who can, are again requested to send their Advertisements early in the week. Let any one take a view of the number in our paper, and then let him say if he think it possible to print them all, when the copies are delayed to be sent till Friday! The solicitation is repeated with earnestness, as those which are unnecessarily kept back in future, must necessarily stand over, or be entirely omitted, though to the acknowledged pecuniary detriment of the concern. It is only in cases of emergency, that Advertisements can be inserted which are brought on a Saturday for that day's publication.

J.B.'s Lines are unavoidably postponed.

We are happy to have it in our power to gratify our readers by informing them, that the Hon. Colonel Nicholson has returned to this Colony. He landed on Tuesday morning from his Majesty's brig of war Demerara, Capt. Shepherd. The Hon. Colonel appeared in perfect health, and in expressing our hopes that he will long continue so, we are sensible that we only echo the sentiments of the public at large.

His Excellency General and Governor Montgomerie set off for Berbice on Wednesday last.

The Hon. Chas. Vincent is elected a Member of the Hon. Court of Justice.

The said Hon. Court has given notice, that they will not, in future, witness the passing of any Transport of, or of Mortgage Deeds on, any real Properties under their jurisdiction, unless an intention so to transport or mortgage, shall have been first three times publickly advertised.

Died. On Sunday last, on his Plantation Zee Lust, on the West Coast, Johann Godlieb Pletner, Esq.
This morning between two and three o'clock, in Cumingsburg, Mr. Cambridge.

To the Editor - Sir,
I request the favour of you to insert in your next Publication the following extract of a letter which I had the honour of receiving a few days ago from His Excellency Brigadier General Hislop, dated Trinidad, March 15, 1807. –
----- [a spacer]
I have the pleasure to inform you that, by the Convoy recently arrived, I received the Service of Plate which the Governor and Inhabitants of Berbice were pleased to present to me, as a testimony of their regard and approbation. The workmanship is extremely elegant, and the inscription on the several pieces highly flattering and gratifying to me, which to my feelings constitute their real and highest value.
I beg you will have the goodness to express these my sentiments when you may happen to go to Berbice.
----- [a spacer]
Through the medium of your Paper, therefore, I beg leave to communicate the above to the Inhabitants of Berbice, who will, no doubt, be pleased to find that their intentions have been so satisfactorily carried into effect by his late Excellency Governor Van Batenburg, to whom the same was entrusted, and so handsomely acknowledged by their justly and highly esteemed Ex-Commandant Brigadier-General Hislop
I am, Sir, your most obedient Servant,
Colin Macrae.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

May 10. Sloop Hiram, Lours de Angelsist, from New London.
May 11. Schooner l'Industrie, R. Crichton, from Greenock.
May 12. Schooner Fame, Francis Lightbourn, from Barbados.

May 12. Schooner Bill, A. Knights, from Barbados.
Brig Lord Duncan, W. Greenidge, from Surinam.

List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 15th day of May, 1807.



By whom brought.








Pl. Free & Easy

Camonie Creek











Rogier (Berbice)

M. Jacobs



P. Camp

J [sic]


H. Welch

And 2 New Negroes, the names of their Owners unknown.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Published by Bond and Aulert, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.




Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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