Essequebo and Demerary Gazette 1807 June 13


Ao. 1807 )


Essequebo and Demerary


( No. 233.

Saturday, the 13th of June.

Secretary's Office. This is to inform the Public that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
[illegible] Lacy, with the first Convoy.
Nicholaas Volkerts, with the July Convoy.
[illegible]ge Wells and George Michel in 14 days.
J. C. Stadtman, first Clerk.

[W. L. Cowan - Domicilium Citandi et Executandi - at Union Coffee House – not transcribed]

Op Verkreegen Authorisatien zal ik eerste Exploiteur deezer Colony, na voor afgaande Rechtspleeging ten overstaan van Heeren Raaden Commissarissen en Secretaire op de Hoofdplaatse Stabroek, op Dingsdag den 7de July eerstkoomende, publicq op vylen, en aan de meest biedende verkoopen, het volgende.
1. Ten behooven van Thomas Thompson eischer contra G. Barrett, geexecuteerde
Een geaccepteerde Ordre lasten T. Duim at f 423
Een Acceptatie van A. W. Cozier f 220
Een geaccepteerde Ordre van John Griffin f 256 9
2. Ten behoeven van F. C. Otto eischer contra I. H. Wiedeman en Beckman en Trachter, geexecuteerdens, als meede nog F. C. Engels eischer en triumphant op en te jeegens I. A. Beckman, prive[accent] geexecuteerde
Een tafel een klyne glas tafel acht staelen, 14 schilderyen (different), twee pleete kandelaars, een verrekyker, drie cylinders, vyff, caraffers, eenige glaasen, een dambord, een kast voor een huys klok
Een Woonhuis van Inlands fraam, lang 36 voeten, breed circa 20 voet, voor zien van een pakhuis, &c. beslagen met Americaanse plancken
Een Combuys en Waschhuys van Americaans hout.
Een Paarde stal met posten in de grond met troulies gedekt
Twee ryen Neeger huisen met plancken beslaagen en troelies gedeckt
Een zygebouw met plancken beslagen, en troelies gedeckt, voormals bewoond door de Heer Hk Trachter
Een zeer [?]uime Timmerlogie van posten in de grond met troelies gedeckt. Alle voorschreeve huisinge, en te zygebouwen thans door I. H. Beckman zelvs geoccupeerd, staande op de voorgrond van Plantage Meerzog, deeze gebouwen zyn voor afbraak, ofte met zondanige rechten, servetuten en gereebrigheeden, welke daar toe van ouds en met recht behooren.
In cas iemand teegens deese verkooping eenig recht van oppositie zal wellen sustineeren addresseere zig ingeschreeste ten Comptoire der Exploiteurs Wanneer ik die als opposant of opposanten dag van rechten beleggen zal, en wyders die geene welke in voorschreevene zaaken gading vinden mooge koome ten dage en plaatse voornoemd, en doen hun profyt.
Actum Demerary, deesen 2 Juny, 1807.
Mart. Smit, eerste Exploiteur.

The Members of the Eendragt Society are hereby informed, that, at the Half-Yearly Meeting which took place last week, it was unanimously resolved to dissolve the Society; and the Commissaries were directed to take the necessary measures to that effect; and that a Meeting should be held on the 1st of July next, at Noon, to finally settle and close their accounts. It is therefore expected that all concerned will attend.
Demerary, June 13, 1807. T. Duim, Sec.

D. P. Simon, Sworn Translator and Book-keeper, respectfully informs his Friends and the Publick, that, for the greater facility of business, he has resolved to remain in the house of Mr. Narjes, Charles Town, Le Repentir, where he continues to translate in several Languages, and to transact all business entrusted to him, with accuracy, fidelity, secresy [sic], and despatch.
He may be found at home, at all hours, every day, except from Nine till Three, during which he may be spoken with at the Secretary's Office.
Demerary, June 13, 1807.

On Tuesday the 16th instant, at the Vendue Office, Dry Goods, Provisions, Household Furniture, &c.
June 12, 1807.
On Friday the 3d July, at the Vendue Office, Dry Goods, Provisions, Household Furniture, &c.
Also, by order of the Hon. Board of Orphan Chamber, two Negroes belonging to the Estate of John James, deceased.
June 12, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Twenty Young Spanish Mules, which have been about three years employed on a Sugar Estate, and are in very good condition. Apply to H. D. Obermuller
June 11, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Best Claret, at f 22 per Dozen
Port at 33 do.
Madeira at 33 do.
And Bottled Table Beer, at 12 do.
June 11, 1807. H. D. Obermuller.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Fine Store Salt in Barrels.
Apply to Naghten & Fitzgerald.
June 13, 1807.

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
A Capital Chaise, with Cap, Horse, Harness. Further particulars may be had by applying to Schovers & Philips
June 13, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
[first column]
Irish Beef and Pork
[second column]
Refined Sugar
Beer, Porter
Madeira Wine, &c.
[end columns]
Demerary, June 12, 1807. F. Meagher.

The Subscribers request that all those Gentlemen who are indebted to them, will have the goodness to come forward and pay their respective accounts without delay; as W. Chorley will shortly leave this Colony for Great Britain.
Demerary, June 12, 1807
Fisher & Chorley.

Imported from London, in the Brig Hercules, Capt. Scott, and For Sale by the Subscribers,
[first column]
Fashionable Gigs, with best plated harness
Groton's light hunting saddles and bridles
Common ditto
Best plated chaise harness
White and coloured horse fly nets
Chaise and hand whips
Curry combs and brushes
Hempen halters
Pembroke tables
Mahogany and leather backgammon boxes
Chess boards complete
Brass bound mahogany cellarets and writing desks
Chamber dressing glasses
Bedsteads with best hair mattrasses and netting complete
Hair mattrasses from 3 to 5 & half feet with feather bolsters and pillows
Cherry tree chairs
Mahogany night ditto
Ivory & black handled knives and forks
A large assortment of the newest & most fashionable hanging paper with bordering fitted to each pattern
Hams, Bologna sausages
Tea, refined sugar
Almonds in shell
Finest bloom raisins in boxes
Turkey figs in jars of 4 lbs.
Spices assorted
Hoffmans rasberry [sic] vinegar
Ditto cherry brandy & fruits in brandy
French olives & capers
Essence of anchovies
Fish sauces assorted
Salad oil, mustard
Pickles in cases, each containing girkins, beans, cauliflours, cabbage, onions and piccalilli
Sago, and black pepper
Stoughton's bitters
Basket salt, blue and starch
Garden seeds in small boxes
Shades, ditto on stands
Vase and barrel lamps
An assortment of cut & plain glass ware, ewers & basons
Breakfast ware in small sets
Plated, japanned, and brass candlesticks
Painted tin shower baths
Sets of dish covers, and general assortment of kitchen tin ware
Black leather trunks and portmanteaus
Red gilt and hair trunks in nests
Medicines, Fowling pieces
Handsome light gilt hangers
Gunpowder and shot
Scarlet, blue, & black superfine broad cloths
Green cloth for tables
Fashionable black silk waistcoats and waistcoating
Black and coloured coats
Black crape and muslin
Buck and doe skin gloves
Silk umbrellas and braces
[second column]
Dress & strong boots & shoes
Ladie's [sic] and gentlemen's silk thread and cotton stockings
Silk and best beaver hats
Servants glazed ditto
Sheet copper for coffee mills
Brass wire for manaries
Iron boilers from 50 to 350 gallons
Copper teaches, grating bars
Iron pots
Nails from 4 do to 10.5 in. spikes
Anchors, grapnels
Sheet lead
Skimmers & Ladles
Wood, iron, and locket handled cutlasses
Axe and round eyed falling axes
Hoes and shovels
Vatt & puncheon iron hoops
Long wood and truss ditto
Mill grease in firkins
Whip cross cut and handsaws and files
Small steelyards
T, HL, and Hook and Eyes hinges
Brass, iron and stock locks
Vat & wine brass cocks
Braces with sets of bitts
An assortment of coopers' & carpenters' tools
Guaging [sic] rods and marking irons, sod irons
Farriers' paring knives and rasps
Pumpleather and tacks
A general assortment of stationary
Negro clothing and slops
Inverness cotton bagging
Lubec ducks, Oznaburghs, Checks and salempores
White and brown nankeens
White cotton lining
White and brown Russia and Irish sheeting
Irish linens
Long lawns
French cambrics
Russia and English sail cloth
Russia duck
Furniture chintz
Musquito lawn
Window gauze
Welch flannel
Cordage from 1 to 5 & half in.
One & half and 2 inch white rope
Deep sea and fishing lines
Seine and sewing twine
Soap and candles
Paint and neatsfoot oil
Spirits of turpentine and vinegar in jugs
Lamp black
Bottled beer
Porter and port wine in puncheons
Draught porter in barrels
Poland oats in puncheons
Barley & split pease in kegs
An assortment of perfumery
Best grey stock bricks and lime, &c.
[end columns]
June 13, 1807. Cornfoot, Bell, & Co.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Just received, per schooner Active, Capt. Bars, the following Articles, viz.
[first column]
Cod Fish in hhds. and boxes
Tar and Pitch
[second column]
Flour in whole & half barrls [sic]
R.O. Staves
[end columns]
Also, on Hand,
[first column]
Lamp Oil
Paint Oil
Spermaceti Candles
Dutch Cheese
[second column]
Mess Beef
Spruce Spars
Oats &c.
[end columns]
June 13, 1807. Thos. T. Thomson.

Alle de geenen, welke iets te pretendeeren hebben aan den Ondergeteekende, zoo in prive[accent] , alse aan de gecanteerd hebbende firma van Schapers & Co. worden verzogt daar van opgaave en betaaling te doen, binnen den tyd van twee Maanden naa dato deezer, ten huyze van den Ondergeteekenden, also hy geintentioneerd is, uit deeze Colonie naar elders te vertrekken.
Stabroek, den 11de Juny, 1807.
H. H. Schapers.

TO BE SOLD, [heading]
A New Boat, 20 feet keel, with two Sails, and everything complete and in good order. Apply to Charpentier,
Opposite the House of C. Treadwell, Esq.
New Town, June 13, 1807.

M. Doyle takes leave to inform his Friends and the Publick in general, that he continues carrying on the Mercantile Business at his Store on Robb's Stelling, under the Firm of Doyle & Wells. They have on sale a general assortment of Dry Goods, Plantation Stores, Provisions, &c. &c.
Stabroek, June 8, 1807.

The Undersigned, intending to quit this Colony within Four weeks from the date hereof, desires all those who are indebted to him immediately to discharge the same, and all who have any Demands against him to render them in, either at his own house, or at that of B. Teyssen, Jun. Esq. Stabroek, where his Domicilium Citandi now is. H. C. Evertsz.
Demerary, June 13, 1807.

FOR SALE, [heading]
Situate up the River Berbice, [heading]
Plantation Glastulich, without Negroes. Said Plantation is furnished with Sugar Works, capable of making 200 Hhds. of Sugar annually. There are from
35 to 40,000 Coffee Trees,
of a bearing age, and in most thriving order. Also a New Empolder completely taken in, aback of the present Cultivation, of about 150 Acres.
The most favourable Terms will be given, on condition of an additional security. For further particulars, apply to
June 13, 1807. I. C. M'Leod, q.q.

Just Imported, in the Ariadne, Captain Johnson, from Glasgow, and for Sale by the Subscribers:
[first column]
Porter and Small Beer, in bottles
Port Wine
Smoked Beef
Mutton Hams
Pickled Herrings in kegs
Pickled Salmon in ditto
Vinegar in jugs
Barley in kegs
Candles and Soap
Coffee and Cotton bagging
Russia Sheeting
Negro Clothing
[second column]
Negro Pipes
Paints and Oil
Cordage and Canvas
Boat Cables and Anchors
Seine Twine
Nails of all sizes
Trenching Shovels and Cutlasses
Buck Axes
Sheet Lead
Iron Boilers from 50 to 200 Gallons
Copper Ladles & Scummers [sic]
Grating Bars
[end columns]
With a variety of other Articles.
July [sic] 13, 1807. Underwood, Johnson, & Co.

FOR LONDON, [heading]
The fast sailing, coppered ship Sibella, Capt. Jeffrey, will positively sail with the next convoy. For Freight, please to apply to the Subscribers, who will feel much obliged to their Friends for any assistance given her.
Demerary, June 13, 1807.
Naghten & Fitzgerald.

FOR LONDON, [heading]
The Ship Orion will positively sail with the First Convoy; two thirds of her Cargo already engaged. For Freight or Passage, apply to Rt. Younghusband, or to Captain Robert Ross, on board. - June 13, 1807.

The Subscriber offers for Sale, on reasonable Terms, the House he at present occupies eligibly situated on the north Dam, Stabroek, as well as the Lot No. 8, adjoining thereto.
June 12, 1807. C. D. Forrester.
Also, for immediate payment, at f 12000 each, Two Pipes of Choice Madeira Wine, warranted to have been four years in this Colony.

We, the Undersigned, have mutually agreed that David Burns, on the part of Thomas Frier, and John Yeoward, on the part of Thomas Morgan, shall collect and settle all debts belonging to our Copartnership.
June 13, 1806. [sic].

WANTED, [heading]
As a Book-Keeper, a Person who writes a good clean Hand, understands Accounts, and can keep a set of Books. Inquire of the Printer.
June 13, 1807.

Three vessels from England, viz. the Fame, Capt. Brand, Hercules, Scott, and Sisters' Providence, Pavey, came in on Tuesday. They left Portsmouth the 14th April. There were no vessels for Berbice in the fleet.
The King's ship which convoyed these vessels and which appeared to be a very fast sailer, immediately stood off for Barbados.
The same evening his Majesty's sloop Herod, Capt. Dix (we believe), with six homeward bound vessels from Berbice alone (she not having been able to beat up to fetch those from Surinam), joined the sixteen from this port, which were waiting over the Bar, and the next morning they all sailed.

C. Remy, Esq. Deputy Receiver of Essequebo, with his family, and - Ysendoorn, Esq. of Rotterdam, are passengers on board the Amelia, Capt. Shadforth; and Joseph Beete, jun. Esq. and family are on board the Tarleton, Capt. Jackson.

We understand that the lovesick paramour is also embarked, with his faithful Dulcinea; and that they have preferred taking their passage in either the Dove or the Pelican, as emblematical of Conjugal and Maternal Affection! The Furniture of the Esquire was previously converted into what often alone makes the man of Consequence - Cash! And nothing could be more capable of displaying a general idea of taste and refined delicacy, than the neatness and choice of this boedel. It is to be hoped that the smell of Tar and Pitch on the passage will not disagree with the irritable nerves of this gentleman, especially as the Cabin Boy may happen to be a little filthy. And it is equally to be hoped, that 53 degrees North latitude will prove of service in melting that frozen matter lodged above the eyebrows, which has remained so long in its natural state, notwithstanding a long residence in 6 degrees, 40 minutes.

A neutral schooner came in on Monday, last from Barbados, in seven days. She brought newspapers of that island of the 30th ult. but they contain nothing material. The 2d April mail had not arrived there when she sailed.

His Majesty's tender Subtle, Capt. Downer, arrived from Barbados, last night, with dispatches.

His Majesty's ships Rosario and Curieux captured on the 6th ult. the Spanish schooner El Johanna from Vera Cruz to St. Sebastian, laden with coffee, cocoa, indigo, &c. and sent her to Barbados.

We are happy to announce that, by a letter received this day from his Excellency Governor Bentinck, he had safely arrived at St. Kitts, in very improved health and had taken his passage in the Freeland packet for England, which was to sail in two days after the date of his letter.

We are happy to hear that the Ball to be given on Monday next, in honour of His Majesty's Birth Day, is likely to be numerously attended by many respectable and loyal subjects. There are, we understand, no less than Sixty Subscribers, exclusive of all the Officers of the garrison.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Since Our Last.

June 9. Schooner Active, I. Barss, from New York.
June 10. Brig Hercules, W. I. Scott, from London.
June 11. Brig Sisters, I. Pary, from London.
June 11. Ship Fame, I. Brand, from London.
June 12. Ship Ariadne, G. Johnston, from Greenock.


List of Runaway and Arrested Slaves, in the Colony Stocks of

Demerary, on this 13th day of June, 1807.



By whom brought.





Wm. Munro

Ts. Frankland



I. H. King


M. Smit



Edward Cooke



William Brumel

Mutz [illegible – hoofe?]


Boedel Laurin

R. B. Daly's Negroes


William King


And one Negro woman, the name of the Owner unknown.
S. G. Martens, Drossaart.

Printed By T. Bond, No. 20, Brick Dam, Stabroek.



Created: 29 April 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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