Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 February 27


Vol. V.]


[No. 245.

Tuesday, February 27th, 1810.

Notice is hereby given - that attendance will be given on Thursday the 6th and Thursday the 8th of March at the Office of the Colonial Receiver for the purpose of discharging all that Class of Paper-money which is marked with a Red Seal or Stamp, by means of the New Silver Coin lately arrived in His Majesty's Ship Peruvian and the Ship Hebe, - and that other proper means will be directly resorted to to bring the said Coin into Circulation for the convenience of the Inhabitants.
To prevent Trouble from the very numerous applications that may be made, it is requested that no Person will apply to exchange a less Sum than Forty-Eight Guilders at present.
Jos. Beete.
One of the Committee appointed for the
Circulation of the Silver Coin.
Demerary, 27th February, 1810.

New-Town, 27th Feb. 1810. [heading]
Notwithstanding the pains that have been taken by the Commissaries of this District to collect in the assessment agreed to by the Inhabitants at a general Meeting held the 29th January at Marshall's Hotel, to pay to Mr. Daly the arrears of Ground-Rent due by the Representatives of Gwyn Jones, very little indeed has been paid as yet: - feeling therefore the necessity of something being done in earnest, and immediately too, to stop Proceedings which will otherwise be taken against the District, (for an Execution on one Lot or other may be now levied in a very few days) the Commissaries beg leave most urgently in this Public way to recall the same to the recollection oft the Inhabitants. - It is indeed wonderful, when the alacrity and readiness with which it was agreed at the Meeting to pay up this arrear to Mr. Daly is considered, to find every one, with a few exceptions only, so exceedingly indifferent now to the consequence of Non-Payment thereof.
James Robertson
P. Verbeke, Commissaries

Commercial Coffee-House [heading]
American Stelling.
Joseph Tayler respectfully informs his Friends and the Public that he keeps a Table for Boarders, on as moderate Terms as possible, and he promises every attention shall be paid to their accommodation.
Demerary, 27th February 1810.

The Subscribers [heading]
Have Imported by the Ship Albion,
Alexr. Nicholson, Master,
From London,
The Following Articles,
Which they offer For Sale at their Stores: -
[first column]
Lyng fish,
Pickled and Bologna Sausages,
Sour Crout,
New Butter,
Pickled Beef in Kegs,
Refined Sugar,
Pearl and Scotch Barley,
White Bread,
Raisins, Almonds,
Black pepper,
Pickles and Fish sauces,
Sallad Oil and Vinegar,
Old Hock,
Spa Water,
Port Wine,
Bucella ditto,
Cockagee Cyder,
Hoffman's Cherry and Raspberry Brandy,
Ditto Fruits in ditto
Pale Ale,
Bottled and draught porter,
Table services of ware,
Glass ware assorted,
Negro Cloathing,
Ditto Hats and Blankets,
Check Shirts,
Coarse white ditto,
Duck and blue Trowsers,
Duck Frocks,
Gentlemen's wearing Apparel,
Boots and Shoes,
Silk and Beaver Hats,
Black Leghorn ditto,
Servants glazed Hats and bands,
Superfine blue, black, scarlet and corbeau cloths,
Fine White and printed Marseilles,
Gloves and Braces,
Black & fancy silk handkfs.
Boat cloaks,
Iron handled cutlasses,
Trenching Shovels,
Hoes and Felling axes,
Nails 4dy to 30dy
Flooring brads and pump tacks,
Puncheon and Vat Iron hoops,
Steel capooses and steps,
Mill Brasses,
Iron Boilers,
Grating Bars,
Sheet Lead,
Sheet copper and wire for manaries,
Copper Lamps,
Sugar ladles and scummers,
[second column]
Sugar strainers,
Negro pipes,
Temper lime,
Plantation Bells,
Indian corn mills,
Tea kettles, Grid irons and Frying pans,
Locks, Hinges and bolts assorted,
Carpenters and Coopers Tools,
Cross-cut and Whip saws,
Coffee Mills and Biggins,
Cotton pruning knives,
Gin cranks,
Knives and forks,
Silver Soup Ladles and Spoons,
Plated ditto ditto,
Silver fish knives,
Mattresses &c. complete,
Cotton counterpanes,
Window glass,
Sash cord and pullies,
Cordage of all sizes,
White rope,
Russia and patent canvas,
Boat anchors,
Boat cambooses,
Plated chaise harness,
Saddles and Bridles with plated furniture,
Horse nets,
Jockey, half-hunter and twig whips,
Stall collars, curry combs &c
Stationery assorted,
Peacock's Repositiory, in red and blue Morocco,
Medicines assorted,
Paints and Paint Oil,
Neatsfoot & spermaceti oil,
Spirits turpentine,
Soap and Candles,
Tallow and Mill grease,
Inverness cotton and coffee bagging,
Platilles, and Britannias,
Genoa thickset,
Umbrellas & lady's parasols
Coarse white calico,
Furniture check,
Musquito netting,
Fine flannel,
Lubec duck,
Green canvas,
Green baize,
Green table cloths,
Diaper and Huckaback,
Ladies and Gentlemens silk stockings,
Small mahogany dressing cases,
London made razors,
Building lime in Hhds. &c.
[end columns]
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
New-Town, 27th February 1810.

Stolen or Stray'd on Saturday last.
A Fine large young Dog, of the Fox Hound breed, black hair slightly intermixed with white hairs on his back, long ears and tail, and answers to the name of Lion. Whoever will give information so that the said Dog may be recovered shall receive a Reward of Three Joes from
Chorley & Cook.
America Street, 27th February 1810.

Wanted to Hire [heading]
A Good Sailor Negro and a House Girl. Apply to the Printer of this Paper.
Demerary, 27th February 1810.

For London. [heading]
The arm'd Ship Albion, Alexr. Nicholson, Master,
Will sail Second Springs next March, in company with other armed Ships. This Ship stands A 1, at Lloyd's, and will load with Coffee and Cotton only. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or
Johnson, Dyett, McGarel & Co.
Demerary, 27th February 1810.

The Subscriber has received by the Economy, Capt. Wm. Ross, from London, and For Sale on reasonable terms, viz: -
An assortment of Paints consisting of White, Yellow, Black, Green, Blue, Spanish brown and Stone colour, Paint oil, Paint brushes, Lady's and Gentlemen's umbrellas, Hats, Shoes, Stockings, fine Irish linen, Long Lawn, Threads, Tapes, Bobbin, cotton Britannias, Indian jean, Stationary, nails, glass Tin and Queen's ware, Sadlery, Barley, Split pease, Oatmeal, Soap, starch, blue, Hyson Tea, Loaf sugar, Flannel and Jean Jackets, Slops, Madeira Wine and Porter per dozen, Tobacco and pipes, and sundry other articles.
H. Douglas.
American Stelling, 27th February 1810.
H.D. requests the favour of those indebted to him for last year's Accounts and Notes of hand to come forward with Payment.
For Hire: - A large new Punt.

Richard Batty requests all those who have any Demands against him to render an account thereof for payment at the House of Messrs. Chorley & Cook.
New Town, 27th February, 1810.

Sales by Execution. [heading]
By Authority obtained, I the underwritten First Marshal will Expose and Sell unto the highest bidder at Execution Sale, in presence of the Councellors Commissaries and their Secretary, at the Court House in the Town of Stabroek, on Monday the 19th day of March next: -
In behalf of Edward Wilkinson, versus John Yeoward q.q - a certain Negro Woman named Peggy and her mulatto child.
Whoever may pretend to have any right to oppose the same, will address themselves in writing to the Marshal's Office, where I shall receive their opposition and appoint them a day to go to Law; and those who intend to purchase will please attend on the day and place mentioned.
Rio Demerary, 26th February, 1810.
M. Smit, First Marshal.

Public Vendues.

On Thursday the 8th and Friday the 9th of March by order of Thomas Finlayson; at his Store, a choice assortment of Goods arrived this day in the Alfred, Capt. Langley, from London.
Sausages, sour crout, pickles, capers, olives, sauces, nutmegs, mace, cloves, cinnamon, anchovies, Florence oil, white wine vinegar, barley, pease, Holland gin, London porter, Paint oil, turpentine, white, green and blue paints, silk, beaver and willow hats, a large assortment of brushes, callicoes, muslins, Irish linen, cotton shirting, thread, bobbin, tape, Men and Women's boots and shoes, puncheon and vatt hoops, blankets, oznaburgs, Carpenter's and Cooper's tools, glass ware, earthen ware, tin ware, hardware, cutlery, millinery, stationary, &c.
Feb. 27th. Kingston & McBean.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Saml. R. Nurse, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - 3d Feb.
Dond. McLean, in 14 days, - from the 5th Feby.
John Carpenter, in do. or one Month, - from do.
H. J. Lucas, in 14 days or 6 Weeks, - from 5th Feb.
Wm. Gordon, Junr, for Berbice, in 14 days, - ditto.
Thomas Lawrence and Family, in 14 days or 3 Months, - from 6th Feby. 1810.
Thos. Frankland in 14 days or a Month, from Feb. 7.
J. Griffith, in ditto or ditto, - from 8th Feb.
Allen Dalzell, in ditto 2 Months, from Feb. 9.
Tempest Coulthurst, in 14 days, - from 10th Feb.
F. De Ridder, with a black Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from 10th Feby.
Henry Burton, in 14 days, - from 12th Feby.
Wm. Francis, in 14 days, - from 13th Feby.
Joseph Clarke, with his Wife and two Slaves, in 14 days, - from 14th Feby.
Mrs. du Sart, in 14 days or 5 weeks, from Feb. 16th.
J. Steur, with his Servant, in 14 days or 3 Weeks, - from the 19th Feby.
Richard Deane, in 14 days or one Month - from do.
T. C. Jones, in 14 days or six Weeks, - from do.
Fras. Heathcote and her Servant in 14 days - from the 23d February.
Elizh. Arthur, in 14 days, - from do.
Benjn. Jeffery, in six weeks or 2 Months - from do.
Ms. LaMaison, LL.D. by the first Fleet.
P. F. Tinne, in One Month, - form the 24th Feby.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Two more of the London Fleet and a Brig from Nova Scotia came in since our last, but without bringing any thing new. . . .

A Signal for two square rigged vessels was up since two o'clock, but we have not been able to ascertain their names.

Vessels Entered and Cleared since our last.
Feb. 26 Snow Fortune, Capt. Wilson, from London - Gen. cargo
Feb. 27 Ship Alfred, Langley, Ditto - Ditto
CLEARED. - None.

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.


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