Essequebo and Demerary Royal Gazette 1810 March 20


Vol. V.]


[No. 251.

Tuesday, March 20th, 1810.

For Sale. [heading]
The Lot and House which Henry Osborn Seward resides in, in Cumingsburg, adjoining the Stores formerly belonging to Messrs. W. King & Co. and lately in the possession of Messrs. Q. R. & H. O. Seward.
It has every advantage of situation either as to Health or Business; - has a good landing within 20 feet of the yard, and is well calculated for any one, either as a Mercantile House having much to do with Shipping, or as a private residence. The House consists of two excellent Sitting-Rooms and three Bed Chambers, with a Store at bottom fit for any Business, 45 feet by 30 - with new Outhouses. A Sum down will be expected, the time for the payment of the remainder will be made easy to an approved Purchaser.
He has just Landed,
The following articles which will be Sold reasonable for immediate Payment: -
[first column]
New double Rose Butter,
Ox Tongues in kegs,
Tripe in ditto,
Sago, split pease and pearl Barley,
London wired Porter and Pale Ale,
Real Cogniac Brandy,
Hollands' Gin,
Perry & Devonshire Cyder,
Fine Hyson and Gunpowder Tea,
Double and single refined loaf sugar,
Anchovies, gherkins, walnuts, mustard, and
Cases of Pickles assorted,
French white-wine vinegar,
Brown stout ditto,
Day & Martin's Japan Blacking,
James's Patent Liquid for cleaning boot tops & saddles,
[second column]
Gentlemens Shoes,
Ditto Beaver & silk hats,
Childrens Hats,
Ladies Boots and Shoes,
Ladies Parasols,
Do. Morocco pocket books silver locks & do mouldings,
Ladies Purses with do. do.
Fine Jean Pantaloons,
India Muslins, - Plain,
Do. Do. - Figured,
Real Madrass handkerchiefs
Best Hogskin sealed saddles, plated and silver moulded,
Portmanteaus & Plymouth Bridles ditto,
6dy to 40dy Nails,
Vat and Puncheon Hoops and Rivets,
Soap and Candles,
Temper Lime in kegs,
Table Clocks on marble Pillars,
Wood Hoops,
Coffee Casks,
Vats and Puncheons,
[end columns]
Dutch Tarras.
He has also on hand,
Belonging to the late Firm of Q. R. & H. O. Seward, which he will Sell at reduced Prices to close that Concern: -
[first column]
Newfoundland Cod Fish,
White-Pine Lumber,
Vat and Puncheon Hoops and Rivets,
Pun. & Hhd. Truss Hoops,
Old Priest Wine in pipes and per dozen,
Best London particular Madeira in do. do.
Wine & Porter Casks,
Rice in tierces & in bags,
[second column]
Mess Beef and Pork,
Breakfast Sets with Trays,
Egyptian Wine Coolers,
Quills, Ink powder,
Pocket Ledgers and Memorandum Books,
Fine Irish linen Shirts with French cambric frills,
Fine Irish Linen, and
Inverness Cotton Bagging.
[end columns]
Also for Sale, - the Railed-in Lot next to that of Wm. King Esq. and opposite the Premises late in the Possession of Messrs. Q. R. & H. O. Seward, to be divided into separate [sic] Lots agreeable to the Purchaser. Cumingsburg, 20th March 1810.

Wood Hoops to be Sold for Cost & Charges,
Fine Hyson Tea at f 33 per 4 lb.
Fine Gunpowder Ditto at f 44 per 4 lb.
March 20th, 1810. Enquire of the Printer.

All Persons to whom the Estate of Gifford L. Davis decd. stands Indebted, are requested to render their Accounts immediately, and all Persons Indebted thereto, are requested to make payment thereof to
John Lewis.
New Town, 20th March 1810. Deliberating Executor.

Notice. [heading]
Runaway from the Subscriber about two weeks ago, a Negro Woman named Frankey, the Property of Mrs. Austin, of Mahaica. She is a middle sized Woman, Pock-marked, her fore top teeth tinged brown, of a tawny compexion [sic] and speaks English fluently; this is therefore to caution the Public against harbouring her, and Masters of Vessels from taking her off the Colony, as the Law will be put in force against such offenders. A Reward of Four Joes will be given to any one that will secure her in the Colony Stocks, or deliver her to the Subscriber; and should the above Woman return of her own accord she will be forgiven.
Batchelor's Adventure, Elizabeth Rogers.
East Coast, Demerary, 19th March 1810.

For Glasgow [heading]
The Ship Sir Edwd. Pellew, William Orr, Master.
Will sail from hence the first Springs in May.
For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board or at the Store of Garden, King & Co.
George Trotter,
Cumingsburg, 20th March 1810.

New-town, 20th March 1810.
The Commissaries of this District beg leave to acquaint its Inhabitants of their wish to hold a Public Meeting on Friday next at Marsh's Hotel, and to request the favor of their attendance on that day at Ten o'clock, to enter into measures to prevent the misfortune of having any of the Lots in the District taken under Execution, which they are very apprehensive will be shortly the case, if not timely prevented: - Mr. Daly being extremely urgent for his Money.
They have paid on Account Seven Thousand and odd Guilders, but there is yet a considerable balance due; and as several inhabitants refuse to pay their quota, and seem to consider the late assessment of 29th January, altho' so willingly entered into and paid by a very great majority, as an improper encroachment upon their property, the Commissaries are desirous of having the subject debated over again. They also wish to give notice, that it will be necessary to lay an additional small tax on each Lot, the one provided for the occasion not answering this claim which is greater than was calculated upon.
At this Meeting the names of those who shall have then refused to contribute their share of the general burthen will be given up, that the rest of the Inhabitants may see, who those unreasonable Member of Society are, that thus shamefully withhold their aid in a time of distress - the Tax being meant for the good of the whole. That the Inhabitants are not a little disgusted by these Taxes is not improbable; but the Commissaries cannot help it, they have not occasioned them.

Now Landing from the Brig Abeona, from Portland N.A. and for Sale by the Subscriber for Immediate payment: -
[first column]
Boards, Plank and scantling
R. O. Staves,
W. O. do.
Wood hoops,
[second column]
Fish in boxes,
Salmon in kegs,
Shads in barrels,
Superfine Flour,
Crackers in kegs,
Pickled Lobsters in do. &c.
Samuel Mackay.
Demerary, 20th March 1810.

The Subscriber has just received on Consignment by the Ship Hebe, from London, a small and elegant assortment of Sadlery, consisting of Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Bridle Heads, Reins and Bitts, Saddle Cloths, best spring Web-Girths, one pair Military Holsters fitted with Capital Bear Skin &c. Likewise two sets of elegant Gigg Harness with best plated furniture, and a very neat new Gig with best new Harness, which he offers for Sale on very moderate terms, for immediate payment only in Cash, Coffee or Cotton at Cash-Price.
20th March 1810. Stephen Butts.

To Be Sold. [heading]
The Sloop Mary, Richard Grocot, Master, lately arrived from Liverpool, copper sheathed and fastened, - Hull, Rigging, Sails and Stores per Inventory all quite new, with a British Register. Apply to
Thos. Green, at the Store lately occupied by Mr. McSwiney.
Demerary, 20th March 1810.

To Be Let. [heading]
The Premises in which the undersigned now resides, by the name of Yorkshire Hall, with all its Cultivation &c. This Elegant Situation in Charles-Town is so well known that it needs on further recommendation.
N. Rousselet.
Yorkshire Hall, 20th March 1810.

Custom-House, Demerary.
15th March, 1810.
Public Sale.
On Tuesday the 27th March 1810, will be Publickly Sold, for immediate Payment in Cash, 8 Oxen, 8 Horses, 4 1/2 puncheons and 1 barrel Whale Oil, 10 puncheons Corn, 12 puncheons Oats, 146 Hoes, 287 Axes, 1 close Carriage with Harness and long Reins, 2 firkins Butter, 2 barrels Beef, 3 barrels Corn Meal, 13 barrels Mackarel, 8 3/4 firkins Lard, 2 barrels Tar, 3 3/4 barrels Turpentine, 2 barrels Pitch, 1 barrel Rosin, 11 Ploughs, with 8 Chains or Traces, 4 Swingle Trees & 3 Trevices & Pins, 2 Harrows, 4 Ox Yokes, 2 Ox Chains, 1 horse cart, 1 Hand Cart, 18 Scythes, 6 Bush Hooks, 6 Gimblets, 1825 W.O. Staves, 542 W.O. heading, 760 R.O. Staves, 1 Coil & a quarter Inch Tarred Rope, 12 Heads Bridles, 4 Blinders, 2 of which have reins & curbs, 1 set harness for Carriage Horses, 20 Collars for Mules and Cattle, 14 Back-Straps for ditto. - Seized by the Officers of His Majesty's Customs, and legally condemned in the Vice Admiralty Court of this Colony, for Illegal Importation.
Catalogues to be had, at the Custom-House, and at the Bar of the Union Coffee House - and the Goods to be viewed, at the King's Warehouse, near the American Stelling, on the Saturday and Monday preceding the Sale.
The Oxen and Horses to be paid for immediately on being Sold. - But for the accommodation of Purchasers, Seven days will be allowed, to take away the other Goods, on their making an immediate Deposit thereon, of 25 per Cent; which Deposit will be forfeited, if the remainder of the Purchase-Money is not fully paid, and the Goods taken away, within that period.
John Forbes, Collector.
Jno. Ashley, Actg. Compt.

This is to inform the Public, that the following Persons intend quitting this Colony:
Ed. Barnwell, with his family and two servants, in 14 days or with the first fleet, - March 1st.
Latham Avery, with his Servant Jem, in 3 weeks, - from the 2d March.
Wm. Merans, with the first Mail-Boat after the expiration of 14 days, from the 2d March.
Jas. S. Alves, by the first opportunity after the expiration of 3 weeks, - from do.
R. B. Daly, in 14 days, - from the 3d March.
David Wardrop, by the Ship Demerary.
John Hall, in 14 days or a Month, - from 3d March.
R. Murray, with his family, on or after the first day of May next.
Mary Harris, in 14 days, - from the 5th March.
R. Hayes, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Benjn. Geo. Nurse, in 14 days or one month - do.
Alexr. Tulloh, in 14 days, - from the 6th March.
Maria Sybel, in ditto, - from ditto.
W. O. Bentink [sic], in ditto, - from ditto.
A. Simon, in ditto, - from ditto.
A. Carron, in three Weeks, - from 7th March.
J. D. Patterson, in ditto, - from ditto.
J. Cheyney, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Francois D'Alle[grave]e, in ditto, - from the 8th March.
Ann Roach, - by the Ship Demerary.
David Russel, in 14 days, - from 9th March.
Rufus B. Abel, in ditto, - from ditto.
James Greenwood and Family, by the first opportunity to Boston, (N.A.) after the expiration of 14 days, - from the 9th of March 1810.
Thomas Fitzgerald, in 14 days, from 12th March.
Michael Daxon, in ditto. do.
John Hodges, in ditto. do.
Honble. Thos. Cuming, in ditto. do.
David Cornfoot, with his Servant Andrew, in all the Month of May.
Mrs. Welch and Children with 62 Slaves, in 14 days, - from 13th March.
Daniel Brown, in 3 Weeks, - from 16th March.
Ed. Mathews, in 14 days or one Month, from do.
Robt. Marshall, in 3 Weeks, - from do.
Willm. H. Watt, in 14 days or one Month, - do.
Hendk. ten Ham, in 14 days, - from ditto.
Pat. Coffey, in 14 days, - from the 17th March.
Wm. Yearwood, in ditto or one Month, from do.
H. Van Kerkwyk, in 14 days, - from ditto.
C. T. Tinne, first Clerk. [no citing of Secretary's Office or date]

Average Cash Prices of Produce in Stabroek this day.
Cotton - 18 to 18 1/2 stivs. Sugar - 3 to 3 1/2 stivers.
Coffee - 9 1/2 to 10. Rum (C. P.) - 22 & 1/2

No Vessels entered or cleared since Saturday.

St. Patrick's Day. [heading]
At the Union Coffee House last Saturday evening a select Party of the Sons of St. Patrick gave an elegant Ball and Supper to a very brilliant assemblage of fashionables, in honor of the anniversary of their [illegible]telar Saint. Amongst the company present on this splendid and highly patriotic occasion, we will only mention His Excellency the Governor and suite, the Members of the Honble. Courts of Policy and Justice, the Officers of the Army and Navy, heads of Civil Departments, some of the principal Merchants in Stabroek, and several other Gentlemen of fortune and consequence in the Colony. The following is the most approved of two accounts which have reached us of this grand divertisment: - "About eight o'clock in the evening the Union Coffee House exhibited on all sides from without, a very beautiful, and from the shrubbery in front, certainly a very picturesque spectacle of variegated lights, while the arrangements made in the apartments within claimed still more admiration, particularly the Ball-room, which besides a multiplicity of small chrystal glass lamps tastefully arrayed, it was over and above lighted with four superb chandeliers suspended from the roof or dome at convenient distances and giving a powerful effect to the dazzling splendour of the whole. The company being nearly assembled at nine o'clock, the Dancing soon after commenced to the music of the Band of the Royals, and continued with much harmony and vivacity until one, when the company retired to a spacious saloon, where the table made in the form of an inverted u was covered with all the delicacies of the season. Toward the top of the room sat His Excellency the Governor at the head of the table, near which there was a large transparent painting of the Irish Harp with the motto "Quis Separabis" skillfully inscribed within an appropriate device in the upper and lower corners, by the ingenious artist who executed the Drop-Scene at the Theatre, giving a view of the ruins of Palmyra &c and which has been so generally admired by the lovers of the fine arts. A number of loyal and appropriate toasts and sentiments having been drank and given and the company refreshed on this happy occasion. - Each lovely Belle led by her gallant Beau returned once more to the Ball room and resumed the amusement of Dancing, which was kept up till near gun-fire, when the company retired highly pleased with their entertainment."

Stabroek: Printed and Published
Every Tuesday and Saturday Afternoon
By Edward James Henery.

Created: 02 May 2005   Last modified:     Creator: Wilmer, John Lance    Maintainer: Rodney Van Cooten
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