Demerary and Essequebo Royal Gazette 1815 April 18



Vol. X.] [Colophon] [No. 781.


Tuesday, April 18, 1815.

Court of Justice. [heading]
Notice is hereby given, that in consequence of the Death of the Hon. F. C. Loncke happening so immediately preceeding the Meeting of the Court, His Honor the President has thought proper to adjourn the Court till Monday next, the 24th inst.
Court-House, George-Town, 17th April, 1815.
Alex. Tinne, Clk. Ct. Justice.

For Sale - The Half of Lot, No. 17, with the Buildings thereon, at present occupied by the Subscriber, adjoining the Premises of Thomas Finlayson, Esqr.; consisting of a House, two stories high, 30 feet by 22, the lower part of which is fitted up as a store, with counter, shelves, counting room, &c. On the second story, is a good hall, chamber, and pantry, with two good chambers on the third floor; a good kitchen with brick fire-place, oven, &c. The whole capable of great improvement, as a Stelling might be run out at a small expence, and would answer extremely well for the American, or any other business. For further particulars, enquire on the Premises of
Cumingsburg, April 17. W. Gunn.

For New York. [heading]
The Ship Hannah,
G. Foster, Master.
(Three-Fourth of her Cargo already engaged.)
For Freight or Passage, apply to said Master, or to
Mr. Thomas Finlayson, who goes in the Hannah, will be obliged to Shippers in the Vessel, for Consignments.
For Sale - a few Tons of Rock-Salt, in its original state, for the purpose of laying on pasture land.

For Sale - The Sugar-Plantation 'L Huis-te-Dieren; situate on the West Bank of Essequebo River, - containing upwards of Seven Hundred Acres of Land, with Two Hundred Prime Negroes. There are at present, about One Hundred and Forty Acres in Canes and Forty Acres in Plantains. The Buildings consist of a Wind Mill, Cattle Mill, Boiling House with two sets of coppers, Curing House, Distillery, &c. all substantially built, in good order, and capable of taking off a large crop.
Very favourable terms will be given to an approved purchaser. For particulars, apply to
John Fullarton, qq.
Demerary, April 13, 1815.

The arrivals since our last have been - the brig of war Fairy, and the brig Hibernia, from Surinam. Also the Ship Charlotte, from Barbados. - There dose not appear to be any news from either quarter.

Obituary. - James Samms, Esqr. at Plantation Felicity; Mrs. Dobbrouski, at her residence in George-Town; and the Hon. F. C. Loncke, at Plantation Ruimveld.

George-Town, Demerary:
Printed and Published every Tuesday and Saturday
By Edward James Henery.

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