Van Cooten family history progress and collaboration
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[no first name] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [
All first names beginning with M, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Maartje (1) 2. Mabel (1) 3. Mack (1) 4. Mackenzie (1) 5. Magdalen (1) 6. Malcia (1) 7. Malcolm (1) 8. Mandy (1) 9. Margaret (13) |
10. Maria (6) 11. Marianne (2) 12. Marie (2) 13. Marilyn (1) 14. Marina (2) 15. Marion (2) 16. Marjorie (1) 17. Mark (6) 18. Martha (6) |
19. Martin (3) 20. Mary (33) 21. Mathew (2) 22. Matilda (2) 23. Matthew (4) 24. Maud (2) 25. Maureen (1) 26. Max (1) 27. Maxine (1) |
28. Melissa (2) 29. Meredith (1) 30. Merryl (1) 31. Merv (1) 32. Mia (1) 33. Micah (1) 34. Michael (5) 35. Michelle (3) 36. Milton (1) |
37. Minna (1) 38. Mitchell (4) 39. Moses (2) 40. Muriel (1) 41. Myrtle (1) |